Point of sale lending software

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point of sale lending platform by hes fintech

Get the POS lending software ready
in 3 months

BNPL software includes
Landing Page
Borrower Portal
Agent Portal
Back Office
All-set POS lending system
User-friendly white-label UI/UX
Automated loan application flow
Smart scoring system
Integrations with 3rd-party software
Elevate collaboration
Digital onboarding

Boost sales with POS software

Landing page
API for your website
Active plugin
buy now pay later management software
buy now pay later easy software
digital lending point of sale
Integration with your website.
Point-of-sale lending software can be integrated with the existing
website via API. And through this integration, users will be immediately redirected from your
website to the borrower portal, providing them with a smooth onboarding experience.
POS software notifications

Omnichannel loan application
Let customers apply for an installment loan using any device or switching
devices during the process. For example, they can start filling out the form on PC but upload
document photos from their smartphones. HES point-of-sale lending platform saves users’ progress without losing
already filled-in information.
point of sale system notifications
Omnichannel loan application
Let customers apply for an installment loan using any device or switching
devices during the process. For example, they can start filling out the form on PC but upload
document photos from their smartphones. HES point-of-sale lending platform saves users’ progress without losing
already filled-in information.

Increase the security of your business by integrating buy now pay later
management software with a 3rd-party KYC provider. Verify the user’s identity within seconds by
comparing provided personal data and the document image.

Configurable application flow
Based on your business needs, HES system analysts will help you build an
application flow to boost conversion while getting all the needed information.
Borrower Portal

Issue new loans
to your customers

Active loan
Application flow
Activities dashboard
point of sale platform interface
buy now pay later platform interface
point of sale platform borrower's portal
borrower's profile of point of sale system
Borrower profile
HES buy now pay later software allows your customers to save their
information into a client account and use it for repeat loan requests to speed up the

Loan calculator
Provide customers with a convenient loan calculator they can use to see
how their possible payments change depending on the loan terms.
Agent Portal

Manage yours
partners network

Agent dashboard
Here, agents can efficiently invite colleagues using their email addresses, ensuring a streamlined
onboarding process. Also, they have immediate access to the contact details of potential leads,
positioning them to extend precise and tailored offers.

Personalized offer dispatch
Sending offers to leads has never been easier. Agents just select the loan product and specify the
amount, and the offer is dispatched. Leads then receive this offer in their inbox, which directs them
straight to the Borrower Portal, packed with all the loan details they need.
Back Office

POS loan management in sync

Loan Management
Credit Scoring
Product Engine
point of sale lon management system
point of sale software back office
point of sale loan application scoring
point of sale loan servicing system

Full-featured back office

point of sale lending software workflow

AI-driven POS lending software

The BNPL software sweeps away manual processes, ad-hoc queries, and paper
trails. Get a single smooth automated workflow that meets customers’ needs while improving
operational efficiency.
point of sale lending system workflow
Automated decision-making
The BNPL software sweeps away manual processes, ad-hoc queries, and paper
trails. Get a single smooth automated workflow that meets customers’ needs while improving
operational efficiency.

Calculation and product engines
Equip your POS lending business with a powerful product engine and
calculation types. HES point of sale lending platform allows you to create an unlimited number of lending products
and set flexible conditions for your customers.
point of sale lending system features
User roles and models
Protect your business from data breaches and decrease the number of
human mistakes by limiting access to tools and grids for your employees. Provide them with
the necessary ones only.
Technology architecture overview

Online and
offline access

HES point-of-sale lending solution has no deployment limitations and can be released on-premises or in
the cloud of any provider.
aws aws
Cloud provider

technical stack

HES digital lending point of sale system is built with the help of tools like Java 17, Camunda, and Form.io
modeler. Since they are free and open-source, we can reduce costs for additional
licensing fees, except for the platform’s source code.
Java LTS stack

Security as
a must-have

HES is ISO 27001 certified and addresses security measures through the SDLC, which
means our development and data management processes are run following international


Why do I need point-of-sale lending software?
How can a POS system benefit my business?
Can point-of-sale finance software integrate with other systems?