Loan management software
in Saudi Arabia

Grow your business with fully digital, 100% automated, AI-powered, and secure operations that comply
with SAMA regulations and Islamic finance rules.

Trusted by Middle Eastern businesses

HES LoanBox is a fully Shariah-compliant,
AI-powered loan management system that covers every aspect of loan origination, management, and servicing. As a cloud-native and locally hosted tool, HES LoanBox enables banks and alternative lenders to conduct their lending business more effectively – faster, more securely, and with greater automation. This reduces NPLs and drives increased revenue.
GiniMachine is a no-code AI tool

that employs machine learning algorithms to analyze borrowers’ data, including alternative
data, and provide lenders with insights into their behavior. Seamlessly integrated within
HES LoanBox, it eliminates guesswork from decision-making, enabling informed,
data-driven choices.

HES LoanBox overview

Transform your
lending operations

Our software revolutionizes lending by enabling end-to-end digital loan management – from origination through servicing – on any device, at any time.

Comply with SAMA regulations
HES LoanBox is a maturity-level-3 software designed to meet Saudi ethical standards and regulatory requirements at all levels, including local data storage with ORACLE.

Saudi-ready lending software
Our loan management system features direct connections to regional banking systems and local service platforms, which enhance operational efficiency and ensure compliance.

White-label landing page
Choose your own design for a user-friendly loan website enhances user engagement and boosts application numbers.

Simplify your customers’ loan journey
Provide a personal space where borrowers can control every aspect of their loan journey – from application to digital KYC verification.

Manage all lending operations in one place
Optimize your operations with our API-rich Back Office, offering loan products, real-time data, amortization schedules, automated calculations, and everything else you need to grow your business.

Boost revenue with AI-powered credit scoring
GiniMachine AI harnesses machine learning to analyze complex data patterns, enhancing accuracy in credit decisions, reducing NPLs, and enabling more reliable credit assessments.

Built on the latest tech stack
Scalability, performance, and security are ensured by the modern tech stack, incorporating open-source technologies, that we use to develop HES LoanBox.
Digital onboarding

Convert leads into
active borrowers

Landing Page
Agent Portal
Integrated plugin

Capture leads and provide preliminary loan calculations,

then guide visitors towards application submission. The landing page redirects users to the
Borrower Portal for loan applications and further processing. You can initiate onboarding
directly on your website, through agents, or from any other integrated applications.

Loan origination

Facilitate 24/7

borrower interaction

Application flow
Active loan
Borrower profile

Empower your customers to manage their loans with ease.

Our Portal integrates with local KYC providers, supports rule-based applications, and connects
with open banking and credit bureaus for financial insights. It offers flexible document
signing, online and offline, catering to diverse borrower needs. Users can apply, track
loans, and manage repayments from anywhere, at any time.


Loan servicing

Get lending processes
under control

Task management
Decision making
Product engine
Loan servicing
Debt collection

Optimize the core of your lending business.

Our loan management software features end-to-end digital processes – including AI-enhanced
verification, scoring, and underwriting – alongside automated decision-making. HES LoanBox
streamlines every aspect of lending, ensuring an error-minimized workflow and enhanced
operational insights with advanced task management tools and detailed reporting.

Learn more

Let us show
you how it works

Experience the advantages of HES LoanBox. Request a personalized tour to explore all its
features and see how it can streamline your business operations.

Get a free demo


Open banking
Secure and reliable banking integration that connects businesses with users’ bank accounts, fostering innovation and streamlined financial services in the Middle East.
Payment processing
Efficient and secure transaction platforms specializing in Islamic finance, ensuring smooth and compliant commodity trading under credit agreements.
Advanced identity verification services that leverage advanced digital technologies and local expertise to ensure accurate and secure KYC and KYB processes.
Advanced eSignature solutions that facilitate seamless online and offline agreement signing, enhancing document management and ensuring legal compliance in digital transactions.
Integrated reporting solutions powered by leading analytics platforms, offering dashboards, reports, and automated online analytics to provide actionable insights for better decision-making.
Credit bureau
Access to multi-dimensional credit files for both commercial entities and individual borrowers, providing detailed insights and facilitating informed lending decisions.

We are experts
in the KSA market

Our product team has deep expertise in the Saudi lending market and regulatory compliance, with a proven success record across the EMEA region.
We believe that direct interaction helps us better understand your objectives and tailor our
solutions to fit your exact requirements. That’s why HES FinTech is always eager to meet clients
on-site in Saudi Arabia and discuss each need and project.

Murabaha and
Sharia compliant
lending software

Our software facilitates all transactions and lending processes in accordance with ethical and regulatory requirements.

HES LoanBox provides a secure and reliable framework for lending activities and offers peace of mind
to lenders and confidence in their financial operations.

Why choose HES LoanBox
Kickstart online lending
Fully compliant loan management system
Seamless integrations
Customer support
Future-proof architecture

Get a free demo

Our clients

Banks and
alternative lenders
Saudi Arabia

With a focus on harmonizing lending processes and enhancing customer experiences, HES
LoanBox transforms lending operations across the kingdom.

Whether managing retail or corporate clients, HES LoanBox provides a unified solution
that simplifies processes and delivers a consistent experience – all in compliance with
SAMA regulations.

boost in staff

Why HES FinTech

Post-lauch support
We are always ready to assist you, ensuring smooth operations and continuous adaptation to help
your business derive maximum value from our software.

European-founded company
HES FinTech is trusted by 130+ businesses worldwide. Our expertise lets us deliver best-in-class solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients.

Saudi clients and partners
Our network is a testament to our commitment to regional engagement and tailored support.


in Saudi Arabia


How can HES LoanBox benefit lenders in Saudi Arabia?

Is HES LoanBox compliant with Sharia law?

Does HES LoanBox facilitate integrations with local Saudi Arabian services?

What kind of support does HES FinTech offer?