End-to-end healthcare
finance software

Get a free demo

Have your medical loan software up and

running in 3 months

Solution includes
Borrower Portal
Back Office
Readymade loan platform
Off-brand design and easy-to-use interface
Automated decision-making process
Lifelong customer support
Intelligent scoring system
Digital onboarding

Patient lending software

to boost loan engagement

factoring finance software
Merge the borrower portal with the website.

HES healthcare finance software can be seamlessly integrated with
third-party platforms and websites via API to ensure a smooth user
experience.</span >
Get your papers signed online
Say goodbye to the hassle of printing, scanning, and mailing
documents back and forth. Securely store and share medical financing
information with a simple and paperless interface. Leverage fully
digital e-signature features and approval workflows.
Get your papers signed online
Say goodbye to the hassle of printing, scanning, and mailing
documents back and forth. Securely store and share medical
financing information with a simple and paperless interface.
Leverage fully digital e-signature features and approval

Seamless application flow
HES analysts use pre-built form sets to help facilitate a smooth
step-by-step onboarding process. Patient lending software will
simplify data gathering, boost conversion rates, and ensure a
personalized experience for borrowers.


Our patient finance solutions include robust KYC (Know Your
Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) features to ensure
compliance with regulatory requirements and protect businesses
from fraud.

The configurable workflows

Healthcare loan servicing

Medical loan software

for lending management


Feature-rich task management
Out-of-the-box patient financing software allows for efficient and
secure task management in every region or branch through granular
user roles and models. Harness our easy-to-use platform to keep
track of all tasks, prioritize them, assign them to team members,
and set deadlines to ensure everything is completed on time.
Feature-rich task management
Out-of-the-box patient financing software allows for efficient and
secure task management in every region or branch through granular
user roles and models. Harness our easy-to-use platform to keep
track of all tasks, prioritize them, assign them to team members,
and set deadlines to ensure everything is completed on time.

Versatile product engine

HES patient financing platform comes with a flexible product
engine that enables easy configuration of loan products, fees,
interest rates, and terms. Create and offer personalized lending
solutions and comply with any legislation changes.
user roles configuration in consumer loan system
Customizable user roles
Protect your healthcare financial information and reduce risks and
data breaches with HES medical loan servicing solution. Assign and
manage user roles, granting access only to the necessary features
and functions.
Technology architecture overview

Online and
offline access

HES healthcare finance software can be deployed on-premises or
in the cloud, providing flexibility and control over data. We
utilize AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform for cloud-based
aws aws
Cloud provider


backend tools

HES backend is built with the latest Java LTS and is anchored
by a PostgreSQL database. We utilize Terraform for
infrastructure management and Camunda for workflow automation,
resulting in a robust backend versatile for any business
Java LTS stack



HES is ISO 27001 certified and our Systems Development Life
Cycle (SDLC) enables the implementation of robust security
measures. We ensure the highest level of information security
management and give you peace of mind so you can focus on what
really matters: growing your business.

Your robust healthcare

lending software