Australian lender success story

A consumer lending platform on the Australian financial services market
Learn how HES LoanBox helped to launch the Australian lending business from scratch within 2 months.
Founded in
Team Size
Consumer lending
Web site
Under NDA

Rapid business launch

As a startup without an initial loan management system in place, they not only needed guidance
on financial business strategies but also a rapid entry into the market. Their vision was clear
– a holistic loan processing system that included features like digital loan origination,
automated underwriting, a streamlined document workflow, efficient loan registration, and
flexible management capabilities. These were non-negotiables, forming the core of their

Providing a ready-made lending solution

After an in-depth analysis of the customer requirements, the Business Analysis team at HES
FinTech determined that the HES LoanBox ready-made lending platform aligns perfectly with the
client’s needs. The off-the-shelf solution was rapidly adapted to the nuances of the Australian
finance market. Swift integration of HES LoanBox with the Illion Open Banking facilitated the
retrieval of bank account data for potential borrowers. Our technical experts successfully
linked the SquarePay API to ensure secure online transactions.
This client now leverages customizable credit products, task management, and end-to-end
automated loan servicing. At the customer’s behest, we slightly adjusted both the landing
website and the borrower portal to adhere to the client’s brand identity.

8 min

to submit a loan application

2 months

time to market


digital loan processing

2 months from idea to working business

HES FinTech opened the door to the world of digital lending for the Australian lender. The
software configuration took us only 2 months to complete. After this, the client officially
launched their platform online and started to issue the first loans. In the first month of
business operation, the company originated dozens of loans, catering financial services to
numerous clients. Our ready-made lending platform HES LoanBox has become the main tool for
digital lending operations. It ensures seamless online onboarding: it takes only 8 minutes to
submit a loan application, and the borrower receives application approval within 1 business
Active loan
Product campaigns
Here at HES, we’re looking forward to the further growth and financial success of our client.